- The Glow show will be judged by an independent judge and their decision is going to be based on fun factor!
- The cost of entrance will be £2 per car.
- Your car needs to be on display for 30 minutes while judging takes place and for you to show off your cars full potential.
- Classic mini's will compete for 1st prize and BWM MINI's will compete for 1st Prize.
- The trophies will be presented at the end of the event.
- The Track has been built by Cornish Mini Club member Gordon Kellow to international standards/specifications.
- The cost of entrance will be £2 per car.
New from 2024 Rocker Racing Children's Class 13 years and under and adults class will be ages 14 and over. Rocker racer can only be used in one of the above classes must be your own racer and not someone else's.
- All Racers for must register 1 hour before racing commences at the Rocker Track.
- Racers are not allowed any moving weights, engines, fans, remote controls etc. free wheeling only!
- The wheels of your racer must not damage the track so no CD/metal disc wheels are allowed.
- You are allowed to have wings/arches over your wheels as long as they only cover 75% of the wheel/tyre width.
- Your rocker racer must remain at the track side for the hour before racing commences for style judging if you want to be in with a chance to win a prize for Best Design!
- The trophy for first place and runners up medal will be presented at the end of the event.
- There will be a class for Classic mini's and one for BMW MINI's for the show and shine that will be judged by our club members and invited independent judges.
- The cost of entrance will be £2 per car.
- Your car will need to be in the show area with your judging sheet in the unlocked car between 11am-1pm On Sunday.
- The trophies for first place in each class and runners up will be presented at the awards ceremony.
Show & Shine Classes:
Classic Mini:
A - Cars produced between 1959-1969
B - Cars produced between 1970-1979
C - Cars produced between 1980-1989
D- Cars produced between 1990-1995
E - Cars produced between 1996-2001
F - Mini Clubman (all marques including Estates)
G - Mini Van, Pickup, Moke & Others (including Marcos)
H - Master Class
Modern BMW Minis:
I - Cars produced between 2001-2006
J - Cars produced between 2007-2010
K - Cars produced between 2011-2014
L - Cars produced between 2015-2018
M - Cars produced between 2019-2025
- The measurement of sound will be using professional equipment placed on the passenger seat in all cars.
- The cost of entrance will be £2 per car.
- You will have 30 Seconds to record your peak noise level, there will be a class for Classic mini's and one for BWM MINI's.
- The trophies for first place and runners up medal will be presented at the end of the event.
- The measurement of sound will be using professional equipment from a distance of 1 metre from the exhaust exit.
- The cost of entrance will be £2 per car.
- You will have 10 Seconds to record your peak noise level, there will be a class for Classic mini's and one for BWM MINI's.
- The trophies for first place and runners up medal will be presented at the end of the event.
There will be an Exhaust Sound off and Best in Show competition.
Best in show classes are pre 1990 and 1991 onwards.
- The trophies for first place and runners up medal will be presented at the end of the event.
A medal is up for grabs for the loudest exhaust sound off
- The measurement of sound will be using professional equipment from a distance of 1 metre from the exhaust exit.
- You will have 10 Seconds to record your peak noise level
- The cost of entrance these competitions will be £2 per car for each event.
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